Image of Dr. Hauschka products in their boxes

20 Year Anniversary Means BIG Deals

It is hard to imagine that 20 years ago today, I walked in to Kripalu Yoga Center and gave my first Dr. Hauschka skin care treatment!

In honor of my 20 year anniversary, I want to offer you some special savings as well as retell my story of how I became an esthetician. It was a magical and guided journey.

From the bottom of my heart, I give praise and thanks to YOU, my loyal, thoughtful and inspiring clients, friends and family. You mean the world to me and this journey could not have happened without you. I have SO many wonderful memories and stories of connection and healing that have taken place (on both sides).

In recognition of this 20 year milestone, I am offering a $20.00 discount on all my Skin Care treatments and 20% off all Dr. Hauschka products purchased during the month of July 2018. (Note: You can book your treatment in the future, but it needs to be payed for in July).(Discount does not apply to package deals). (Online purchase of each promo needs to happen separately).

I VERY rarely discount my treatment prices, so this is one to take advantage of. Use Promo Code “anniversary sale”.

Online scheduler makes it easy. Or you can drop me an email.

Stock up on all your favorite Dr. Hauschka items. Use Promo Code “love”.

Now that we got that business out of the way…. If you care to hear my story, read on.

I live by the philosophy that I am a student in the school called “Life” and that every situation offers an opportunity to learn a lesson. There does seem to be a common theme to my lessons, which is: when I surrender and trust in the Universe, I am guided in making wise decisions. This story is a perfect example.

I moved to the Western Mass area in 1997, primarily due to a long distance relationship I was involved in. It was time for me to explore  life outside of my family’s influence. I landed in what seemed like the Land of Oz, with no clear purpose other than a desire to explore new possibilities. Three months later, the relationship ended. In addition, I was laid off from the new job I had started. I felt angry. lost and confused. It was the lowest point in my life. I went crying to my women’s group, seeking comfort and support. One woman mentioned that the company she worked for, Dr.Hauschka, was looking for help, and that they were located in the town that I was living. My whole body started to shake. I knew we had hit upon something big.

In my early twenties, I suffered from acne and was looking for alternative methods to deal with my skin condition. I had heard about Dr.Hauschka skin care treatments that were being done in Boston. I explored Dr.Hauschka then, just as I was about to do now, many years later. Soon after, through Divine intervention, it became clear as a bell to me and I became a Dr.Hauschka Esthetician.

Let me outline the series of so called “coincidences” that occurred and that exquisitely guided me along the way:

1. I just happened to move to Hatfield, MA, where the U.S. distributors for Dr. Hauschka were located.

2. I just happened to move in to the building where Dr. Hauschka had just moved from.

3. A facial bed had inadvertently been left in the basement of my apartment building, seemingly waiting for my arrival.

4. I was laid off from my job, which allowed me to collect unemployment benefits as I pursued my new career.

5. The moment I had clarity about becoming an esthetician, I contacted the school, which just happened to be starting a new semester the next week.

6. I effortlessly obtained a job at Kripalu as an esthetician while still in school, and started work the weekend after graduating.

7. The Universe provided the perfect opportunity for me to start to heal from my own skin issues.

I feel that the magic really started to happen at the point when I was able to surrender my fear and pain, and to admit that I needed help. That is when the Universe stepped in, in an obvious way. The journey became easy and graceful.

I have gratefully learned to trust in the Universe. Even when an experience seems to be negative, there is potential for growth. I am open to receiving all the gifts the Universe has for me.

Here’s to another 20 years of growing and healing.
In love and gratitude,

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I'm a Vibrational Therapist based in Amherst, MA, offering both in-person and long-distance healing sessions that blend Reiki, Crystals, and Sound to restore, realign, and rejuvenate your body's resonant frequency, awakening the innate healer within you. I'm also host of the annual Crystal Healing Summit. For those interested in enhancing their healing journey. I offer a range of products including individual crystals, the Crystal Nature Tarot Kit, crystal grids, chakra sets, and pendants. I'm excited about the opportunity to connect and support your healing path. Connect with me on Facebook and Instagram, and subscribe to my newsletter.