Vibrational Healing Services

Vibrational Healing Services

Vibrational healing, often referred to as vibration healing therapy, is a transformative and holistic approach to wellness that focuses on the energies within our bodies. A skilled vibrational therapist uses this approach to balance these energies, promoting overall health and well-being.

What is vibration therapy? Essentially, it's a method that employs various tools like sound vibration therapy, reiki energy healing, and crystal energy healing to positively influence our body's energy fields. This powerful method, sometimes also known as sound vibration healing, underscores the broader practice of vibrational therapy, offering a unique path to healing that many individuals worldwide are now turning to because of its powerful health benefits and incorporating into their wellness routines.

Vibration healing, gracefully embodying the essence of vibrational therapy, is a beautifully transformative and holistic pathway to wellness, dancing to the rhythm of the energies within us. Within this nurturing dance, a skilled vibrational therapist serves as your guide, harmonizing these energies, and kindling the flame of your overall health and well-being.

In-Person Vibrational Healing Sessions

Image of Saralee holding a crystal singing bowl while giving an Energy Healing Treatment to a client

Energy Healing Treatment

This is a custom-designed session to meet you wherever you are and to help restore, realign and rejuvenate your own body's resonant frequency. 60 minutes

Photo of women lying with chakra crystals on her body

Monthly Energy Tune-Up

Using any and/or all of my tools (crystal pendulum, crystals, sound, tuning forks, reiki), we will balance your chakras, organs and systems of the body. 30 minutes

Photo of my hands with light energy between them

Reiki Healing Session

This Reiki energy healing session will leave you feeling rejuvenated, relaxed, and with a greater sense of clarity. Mind, body and Spirit alignment. 60 minutes

Image of Saralee doing Distance Healing Reiki over a crystal Grid

Distance Crystal Energy Healing

Let's connect on Zoom for a powerful Energy Healing session incorporating Reiki, crystals and Sound. Energy has no boundaries. It really works!

image of crystals on chakra points

Monthly Distance Reiki Healing

Working together for a full year allows you to build on the healing momentum each month. This healing is sent to you each month for a full year.

Distance Healing photo

3 Day Distance Crystal Grid Healing

If you are feeling stuck on a particular issue (physical, emotional or spiritual), a Crystal Grid can really help create some movement...

Photo of crystal grid

Monthly Distance Crystal Grid Healing

Maintain and sustain your healing throughout the year, all in the comfort of your own home. Customized to your needs.

What are the Benefits of Vibrational Therapy?