Image of a woman taking a bath

Salt Baths

The Benefits Of Salt Baths A good way to help eliminate toxins is by incorporating salt baths into your routine. Epsom salt is actually not a salt at all, but a mineral compound of magnesium and sulfate. The sulfates in the salt help to flush toxins and heavy metals from the cells. How to: Add […]

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Image of a woman bundled up in hat and scarf in the winter

Winter Dry Skin

Winter Skin Equals Dry Skin It’s winter here in New England. With winter comes cold, snow and dry heat which leads to a common issue… winter dry skin. You may already know about this little secret. Today I want to introduce to you the idea of dry skin brushing. It is an easy and inexpensive […]

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Image of a woman spraying facial toner

To Tone Or Not To Tone

To Tone Or Not To Tone… that is the question. Do you use a facial toner? As a young girl growing up in Vienna, one place that held an ever-fascinating draw for Elisabeth Sigmund was her mother’s dressing table. The things to be discovered there seemed magical and almost endless. She particularly liked a simple toning preparation with hamamelis […]

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Image of four chairs on the beach with seagulls flying overhead

Sun Safety

What do you know about sun safety? There are many ironies in life, here is one of them: What gives life is often what takes it away. Without the rays of the sun, there would be no earth as we know it. However, the sun is a major contributor of free radical damage, the prime […]

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Picture of a woman highlighting her face

Facial Gymnastics

Facial Gymnastics. What?! Remember when your mother would say “Don’t make that face, your face will get stuck like that.” Well, she was right! A person’s facial expressions are influenced by their ”soul” experiences. These experiences express themselves in the tension of the musculature. Joy, pain, sorrow, anger – all are expressions of feelings that […]

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Picture of gift boxes

Have I Got A Holiday Gift For You!

Yup, that’s right Have I got a holiday gift for you! I hope you had a fantastic Thanksgiving. Did you eat too much? I certainly did and it’s just the beginning of the holiday season! Come January I will be SO ready for the next Beautiful Skin Winter Cleanse. I hope you will join me! […]

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Picture of the Dr. Hauschka Med line products

Introducing New Dr. Hauschka Products

Time seems to be moving very quickly. Can you believe the leaves are starting to change colors? I love the change of seasons and hope you are enjoying life. If you are new to the Inner Healing Outer Glow community, welcome. If you have been hanging out with me for a while, I thank you […]

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Image of a lemon, whole and sliced

Lemon Aid for Summertime

Are you feeling the heat of summer? Then this seasonal tip is for you. In the heat of the summer, you may not be thinking about taking a bath, but it actually can be very refreshing, especially if you use the Dr. Hauschka Lemon Lemongrass products. Immersing yourself in the pure essential oils of sun […]

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Picture of a woman receiving a Dr. Hauschka lymph brush treatment

The Benefits of Lymph Stimulation

The benefits of lymph stimulation are many. I talk about lymph stimulation often as the lymph system is often overlooked. The lymphatic system plays a significant role in the body’s functioning, filtering impurities from the body, supporting the immune system, and maintaining the fluid balance in the tissues. Lymph fluid is formed in the tissues […]

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Picture of a woman smiling in the shower

Stimulate Your Skin

Are you ready to stimulate your skin? Are you feeling brave? An effective way to boost your circulation is to stimulate your skin’s detoxification process with hot then cold water. This is how you can do this. When showering, for one minute, turn the water as hot as you can handle (please be careful, you […]

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