Digital wordart of woman in namaste pose with sunrise background with afirmation

Crystal Tarot Card for November 2021

The Crystal Tarot Card for November 2021 is Higher Self, Selenite. The Crystal Tarot Card for November 2021 doesn’t surprise me. This crystal has been coming up a lot for me lately. Selenite is a beautiful crystal that has a very fine vibration. Selenite is light-filled, which helps open the crown and higher chakras. This […]

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Image of a piece of Pink Tourmaline

Crystal Tarot Card for October 2021

The Crystal Tarot Card for October 2021 is Inner Peace, Tourmaline. Have you noticed that there seems to be a theme to the cards I pull each month? This month’s Crystal Tarot Card is Inner Peace, last month, Divine Connection, before that, Balance, Inner Child… They seem to all be calling out to us for […]

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Image of Saralee holding an Amethyst crystal

Crystal Tarot Card for September 2021

If you are looking for Divine Guidance about something, I think you are going to like the Crystal Tarot Card for September 2021, which is “Divine Connection, Amethyst. This beloved stone is gentle yet powerful and has a lot to teach us. Amethyst can help us connect with the spiritual realms by expanding our mind, […]

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Image of Saralee holding Tiger Eye Crystal

Crystal Tarot Card for August 2021

The Crystal Tarot Card for August 2021 is Balance, Tiger Eye. It can be so easy to get off balance while walking our path in life. When I sat quietly and asked what message would be beneficial for us to hear this month, I pulled this card for Balance, Tiger Eye. There are so many […]

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Image of a woman in prayer position with affirmation text

Crystal Tarot Card for July 2021

Crystal Tarot Card for July 2021 – Child Within, Rhodochrosite Prepare for a transformation! After asking “what is the message we most need to hear this month?” I pulled the card “Inner Child, Rhodochrosite. Now is a time to look deep within and ask your inner child for guidance, so that you can get to […]

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Image of tarot card spread with Saralee Hofrichter logo

Crystal Tarot Card for June 2021

The Crystal Tarot Card for June 2021 – Protection, Obsidian Obsidian is a powerful, clearing and protective crystal. it grounds the Soul and forces you to face your True Self. How does it do this? It repels negativity and disperses unloving thoughts.  It protects you by using this defensive, repelling energy and creates opportunities that […]

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Image of Saralee holding crystals

Crystal Tarot Card for May 2021

The Crystal Tarot Card for May 2021 that I pulled is “Wholeness”. The crystal that wants to help us with this is “Turquoise”. You don’t need me to tell you that it’s been a hell of a year. We have all been through a transformation, whether consciously or not. Life deals us some hard blows […]

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Image of Saralee holding 2 Pyrite crystals

Crystal Tarot Card for April 2021

When I first pulled the card for this month, I had a visceral reaction. I immediately wanted to put it back and pick another card. But I took a breath and said to myself, “Spirit doesn’t get it wrong”. So I sat with it. And this is what I came up with. The card is […]

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Image of Saralee holding the Crystal Tarot Card for March 2021, Nurture - Larimar

Crystal Tarot Card for March 2021

What is the Crystal Tarot Card for March 2021? I sat quietly and asked “what is the most important thing for us to know this month?” I pulled the card “Nurture”. After the year we have just gone through, who doesn’t need a little nurturing? Larimar is here to help. Larimar is found only in […]

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Image of a raw Azurite Crystal

Crystal Tarot Card Feb 2021 – Insight, Azurite

This month’s Crystal Tarot Card is “Insight”. The crystal that will help us with this is Azurite. Azurite is a new stone to me and it’s been fun getting to know it. Azurite occurs in 2 ways; in these little clusters that look like blueberries, or in blade-like masses, often with Malachite. I also just […]

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