Photo of Saralee Hofrichter with Root Chakra highlighted

A Journey Through the Chakras – The Root Chakra

Welcome to the first in this video series “A Journey Through the Chakras – The Root Chakra”. Each month we will bring our attention and intention to a particular chakra in an effort to bring healing and alignment to our energy body. I’m doing things a little differently with this video series as I will […]

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Energy, Crystal, and Sound Healing - Saralee Hofrichter hands forward

Pop-up Reiki Clinic

I know you are in summer mode. And I know it is a holiday week. However, I also know that it is essential to stay grounded and to take good care of yourself so that you can be present in your life. For 2 days, this Friday and Saturday, July 5th and 6th, from 11:00-4:00 […]

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Photo of crystals for sale

Do You Know That I Sell Crystals?

The other day, I had the thought that perhaps you haven’t been to my treatment space and know that I sell crystals. If you are looking for that little extra special something, I just might have it! I sell approximately 30 types of magical crystals, along with my Crystal Grid Kits and Crystal Chakra Sets. […]

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Photo of packaged Crystal Grid Kit for abundance

Crystal Grid Kit Video Series

Crystal Grid Kits for the new year. What do you want to create, experience or accomplish this new year? Working with a crystal grid can help you. Together, let’s create some magic:) Last summer I started looking for new ways to incorporate my love and passion for crystals into my work. As a result, I […]

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how to Cleanse crystals

How To Cleanse Crystals

You need to cleanse crystals the first time you use them. This is because crystals are “sensitive beings”.  They have received the energy, good or bad, of all those who have handled them along their journey to you. Cleansing the crystals helps to restore them to their original clarity so that they can be a […]

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crystal elixir

How To Make A Crystal Elixir

Do you know how to make a crystal elixir? Have you ever even heard of a crystal elixir? Making a crystal elixir is just one of the many ways to receive the gifts that the crystals have to offer. For many centuries, healers have recognized the healing energy of crystals. Crystals are made up of […]

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Image of a woman sitting in meditation with the seven chakras shown

Chakra Balance Video

Everyone can use this chakra balance video! What does Chakra Balance even mean? The chakras are energy centers that govern seven key aspects of your being. Each chakra corresponds with a different aspect. If one or any of your chakras is out of balance,  you can feel really out of sorts! The seven aspects that […]

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Picture of a colorful mandala painted on a wall

My Healing Journey – Part 1

Hello friends, I can not believe it is the 1 year anniversary since my trip to Brazil.  Among the many gifts this trip offered me, it gave me the opportunity to question some of my long held beliefs, let go of what no longer serves me and open up to new possibilities. Are you ready […]

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