Crystal Nature Tarot card 3 Peacock - Fertility

Crystal Nature Tarot Card for May 2024

The Crystal Nature Tarot Card for May 2024

I know it can be difficult at times to stay centered when life is pulling you in so many different directions.

You are so needed right now to show up with love and wisdom.

The Crystal Nature Tarot card message for May 2024 confirms this.

When I sat quietly this month and asked “What is the message that is most needed right now?” I pulled a Major Arcana card.

This indicates that this is not a trivial lesson, but a potentially powerful and karmic one pertaining to your personal growth.

The card I pulled is: lll PEACOCK = FERTILITY (In traditional Tarot, this is the Empress card)

This card represents love, beauty, motherhood, femininity, wisdom, leadership, inner and outer wealth, connection with Spirit.

It is about serving humanity graciously.

Graciously embrace abundant beauty and love from within and without

The deck I am using is from my new Crystal Nature Tarot Kit, where there is a crystal to work with for each card. The crystal ally for all of the Major Arcana cards is a Clear Quartz.

And her specific message to you is this: “Clarity of mind. Clarity of purpose. Clarity in general. Clear the air, clear your mind. I give power to all of your desires. I help activate all. First you must become a clear vessel. Breathe in my clearness, my purity of intention. Breathe my energy right into your veins and let me flush through you and clear the way. I am pure.”

I invite you to sit with Clear Quartz and let her guide you and get clear about how you can best serve humanity right now.

Together, let’s create a better world for us and our children.


Posted in Crystal Nature Tarot.

I'm a Vibrational Therapist based in Amherst, MA, offering both in-person and long-distance healing sessions that blend Reiki, Crystals, and Sound to restore, realign, and rejuvenate your body's resonant frequency, awakening the innate healer within you. I'm also host of the annual Crystal Healing Summit. For those interested in enhancing their healing journey. I offer a range of products including individual crystals, the Crystal Nature Tarot Kit, crystal grids, chakra sets, and pendants. I'm excited about the opportunity to connect and support your healing path. Connect with me on Facebook and Instagram, and subscribe to my newsletter.