Photo of crystals for sale

Do You Know That I Sell Crystals?

The other day, I had the thought that perhaps you haven’t been to my treatment space and know that I sell crystals.

If you are looking for that little extra special something, I just might have it!

I sell approximately 30 types of magical crystals, along with my Crystal Grid Kits and Crystal Chakra Sets.

Email me to make an appointment to come check out my inventory or if there is something you want me to be on the look out for you. Crystals are easy to mail!

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I'm a Vibrational Therapist based in Amherst, MA, offering both in-person and long-distance healing sessions that blend Reiki, Crystals, and Sound to restore, realign, and rejuvenate your body's resonant frequency, awakening the innate healer within you. I'm also host of the annual Crystal Healing Summit. For those interested in enhancing their healing journey. I offer a range of products including individual crystals, the Crystal Nature Tarot Kit, crystal grids, chakra sets, and pendants. I'm excited about the opportunity to connect and support your healing path. Connect with me on Facebook and Instagram, and subscribe to my newsletter.