Experience an Energy Healing Treatment with Reiki, Crystal Healing and Sound Healing that is tailored to meet your personal needs.

Energy Healing Treatment

Each Energy Healing Treatment with Saralee includes a combination of Reiki Healing, Crystal Healing and Sound Healing.

The human body is a complex vibratory system.

Discomfort and/or disease can occur when a portion of the body is vibrating out of harmony.

Reiki, crystals and sound are all forms of energy healing that help to balance your vibration  and bring harmony to your entire Being.

Each Energy Healing Treatment is custom designed to meet you wherever you are and to help restore, realign and rejuvenate your own body's resonant frequency.

Couple the Reiki, crystals and sound with clear intention and a willingness to awaken your soul and watch out...miracles can happen!

Each Energy Healing Treatment includes the following 3 components:

Reiki Healing

Energy Healing Treatment - Reiki

Reiki (pronounced ray key) means universal life energy.

Reiki, a term embodying the essence of universal life energy, is a nurturing practice performed by expert reiki therapists and healers. I offer personalized reiki treatments, a non-invasive form of hands-on healing that serves as a gentle bridge to connect you with yourself and facilitate healing. Guided by ancient Chinese philosophy, I understand illness as a manifestation of separation from Spirit, and through reiki therapy, I aim to bridge this divide. As a seasoned reiki master, I will assist you in stepping out of the bounds of your thinking mind, grounding you firmly in your body to rekindle your connection to your inner divinity. 

Reiki sessions help you transcend limiting beliefs and align with Spirit, opening you to a world brimming with unlimited possibilities. With in-person reiki, distance reiki healing and reiki crystal healing, I harness the purity of energy itself to facilitate positive outcomes. I am directed and assisted to use this energy by Spirit and Medicine Guides. I am not working alone.

You sense there is something greater than you, but have you ever personally experienced this Spirit? Have you ever felt the power of your own divinity? Combining chakra healing in both a reiki session and distance reiki sessions, we connect with this divine power, fostering an enriching journey towards holistic well-being.


"Saralee has been doing facials for me for a few years and I recently had the pleasure of a Reiki treatment from Saralee. For the Reiki, as with her facials, Saralee creates an environment that is relaxing and serene. This Reiki treatment had my energies tingling for hours after Saralee's care; I felt completely transformed and light. It was such a positive experience, I will most certainly have another treatment with Saralee again soon!" Mary Ann Z. 



Crystal Healing

Crystal Energy Healing Treatment

Crystals are beautiful energy beings that serve as powerful allies in restoring, balancing, and grounding your energy. Using tools like Crystal Wands and Crystal grids for healing, I strive to provide you with a soulful and transformative experience. Echoing the wisdom of Doreen Virtue, a luminary in the world of crystal healing, “Crystal therapy refers to working with crystals’ live energy and voice in conjunction with Divine Energy. Crystal therapy helps you to better hear, feel and know the voice of Spirit.”

Whether you seek crystals for healing trauma, crystals for protection, crystals for emotional healing, crystals for positive energy, or crystals for general health and healing each crystal is alive and brimming with potent messages of healing and self-realization for those open to receiving them.

They yearn to assist you in unearthing the essence of Who You Really Are. Are you ready to let their healing energy guide you towards your full potential? I warmly invite you to experience firsthand the formidable energy that crystals have to offer.

In January 2018, I created a 'Crystal of the Month' video education series, you can view them here. on my video library page.


"I went to see Saralee for Reiki and for Crystal energy work and I felt so clear and relaxed and connected to myself afterwards! Saralee has a true gift working with energy through Reiki and the crystals. During my session I strongly felt her compassion, intuition, skill, respect, and desire and openess to be a vessel for healing! Thank you Saralee!" Joy Friedman, Potter

Sound Healing

Crystal Bowls for sound healing

We are all vibrational beings with a unique vibrational sound healing frequency.

Sound Healing works to re-establish balance within the subtle energy fields of the body. This consists of your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual body.

Sound can be used as a gateway into inner and sacred space. It puts you in a state of higher brain waves, which helps you enter deeper states of relaxation. It takes you out of your awake state or physical body and gently shifts you into your spirit body. This is where healing and transformation can occur.

Crystal sound healing bowls, tuning forks, a drum, Tibetan Bowls, rattles and vocal toning are forms of sound healing that may be used during an Energy Healing Treatment.

Harmonize your vibration. Let go of your cares and concerns. Be here NOW and invite the Universe to guide you into a magic-filled life. Allow the Reiki energy, crystals and sound to heal you on a Soul level and lead you to your Highest Self.

Give permission for your body to open and receive this healing. Enjoy the journey!


"From the moment I walked in the room I felt the magic happen. It isn’t really magic though, what it is, is skillfulness. Saralee is an expert listener. From the initial conversation to intuiting what is happening on more subtle levels, Saralee brings a deep level of expertise, powerful intuition and professionalism. Within 2 minutes of the initial reiki treatment I could feel my nervous system shift into greater ease. The whole treatment was a wonderful experience and it really helped!" Katie Shults of Build Yoga and Wellness

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