Picture of a woman highlighting her face

Facial Gymnastics

Facial Gymnastics. What?!

Remember when your mother would say “Don’t make that face, your face will get stuck like that.” Well, she was right! A person’s facial expressions are influenced by their ”soul” experiences. These experiences express themselves in the tension of the musculature. Joy, pain, sorrow, anger – all are expressions of feelings that are mirrored in the face.

The general nature of facial gymnastics lies in the active strengthening and training of the facial muscles to achieve their best positive condition with respect to form, elasticity and activity. Through the use of facial gymnastics, we can learn to consciously control individual facial muscles and therefore intervene in unconscious reflex actions.

There are several facial gymnastics. Today, I am sharing with you a facial gymnastic exercise that can help with the eye area, a concern for many of my clients. This exercise is used for shaping the eye area, specifically for eyelid wrinkles, crows feet and flabby eyelids. This exercise is also good to help relieve eye tension for people who sit in front of the computer all day.

The Eye Ring Muscle Exercise:
~Without tension, close your eyes. Look inward towards the base of your nose and squint with the pupils pulled tightly inwards. Hold for a few seconds. Then open your eyes and immediately stare at a fixed point.
~Now relax your eyes by quickly blinking your eyelids, then gently closing your eyes- wait until your pupils return to normal, then open your eyes again.
Best results are possible if this exercise is done 3-5 times a week.

If your eye area has always been an issue for you, why not give this exercise a try and let me know the results!

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I'm a Vibrational Therapist based in Amherst, MA, offering both in-person and long-distance healing sessions that blend Reiki, Crystals, and Sound to restore, realign, and rejuvenate your body's resonant frequency, awakening the innate healer within you. I'm also host of the annual Crystal Healing Summit. For those interested in enhancing their healing journey. I offer a range of products including individual crystals, the Crystal Nature Tarot Kit, crystal grids, chakra sets, and pendants. I'm excited about the opportunity to connect and support your healing path. Connect with me on Facebook and Instagram, and subscribe to my newsletter.