Header of a woman with the words "Healthy skin is beautiful skin".

Healthy Skin Is Beautiful Skin

Healthy Skin is Beautiful Skin.

As a Certified Dr. Hauschka Esthetician, I stand behind an approach to skin care that complements the biology of the skin and supports long-term skin health. Because beautiful skin isn’t always healthy — but healthy skin is always beautiful. Rather than masking or suppressing your skin’s natural processes with harsh treatments or applying preparations that encourage product dependency, the Dr. Hauschka natural preparations effectively, comfortably and healthfully guide your skin to a beautiful state.

By embracing Dr. Hauschka philosophy and products, I offer you 3 easy changes you can make right now for healthier skin.

3 Easy Changes for Healthy, Beautiful Skin:

  1. Cleanse with Care
    A Common Problem: Harsh drying or exfoliating products have stripped the face of its natural protection, resulting in dry, irritated skin and premature signs of aging.

    A Dr. Hauschka Solution: Your skin is delicate, so please use a soft touch—never scrub. Dr. Hauschka Cleansing Cream gently exfoliates, removing excess dirt, oil and make-up without disturbing the skin’s natural line of defense—the balance of oil and water on its surface layer known as the acid mantle. After cleansing, your skin isn’t red, tight or uncomfortable—it looks and feels supple, smooth and fresh.

  2. Strike a Balance with Toner
    A Common Problem: Your skin is just too much—it’s too oily, too dry, too sensitive or too much of a combination of these conditions.

    A Dr. Hauschka Solution: Introduce your skin to a toner that is formulated to balance your complexion. Dr. Hauschka Facial Toner and Clarifying Toner support your skin’s natural functions for healthier skin. Witch hazel enhances tone and elasticity while refining pores. Daisy and nasturtium minimize the appearance of blackheads and blemishes. Anthyllis balances all skin conditions for a calm, even appearance.

  3. Breathe Freely By Night
    A Common Problem: At night, your skin doesn’t feel comfortable unless you apply an oil-based moisturizer or night cream. While this is soothing, oil-based products don’t allow your skin to breathe freely—they rob your skin of its ability to perform its essential night-time work of cleansing, renewal and oil production. Repeat this often enough and your skin stops trying, becoming dependent upon product to look and feel normal.

    A Dr. Hauschka Solution: Free your skin to breathe. When you liberate your skin from oil-based products at night, your skin will quickly start performing its night-time processes as it should. Dr. Hauschka’s water-based Toners, Serums, Conditioners and Intensive Treatments bolster these processes so they work more effectively. Within a week or two you’ll find your skin is beautiful, “independent”—and healthy.

***While supplies last, book a Dr. Hauschka treatment and receive a free travel sized Cleansing Cream***

Check out the different treatment offerings here.
Go ahead, book your treatment here 🙂

Sending light and love

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I'm a Vibrational Therapist based in Amherst, MA, offering both in-person and long-distance healing sessions that blend Reiki, Crystals, and Sound to restore, realign, and rejuvenate your body's resonant frequency, awakening the innate healer within you. I'm also host of the annual Crystal Healing Summit. For those interested in enhancing their healing journey. I offer a range of products including individual crystals, the Crystal Nature Tarot Kit, crystal grids, chakra sets, and pendants. I'm excited about the opportunity to connect and support your healing path. Connect with me on Facebook and Instagram, and subscribe to my newsletter.