crystal elixir

How To Make A Crystal Elixir

Do you know how to make a crystal elixir?

Have you ever even heard of a crystal elixir?

Making a crystal elixir is just one of the many ways to receive the gifts that the crystals have to offer.

For many centuries, healers have recognized the healing energy of crystals. Crystals are made up of many elements, minerals, and healing qualities that complement our well-being. One of the ways to utilize these healing energies is by ingesting the physical properties of the crystals via a crystal elixir.

Much like sound that gives off a vibration, the crystals are “alive beings” and give off a vibration. This vibration can be transmitted to the water, changing the molecular structure of the water and imbuing it with the healing properties of the crystals. When you then drink this charged water, you receive this healing energy!

Because crystals can potentially be toxic, there is a way to receive the benefits of them without actually putting them in the water, and this is the method I will be talking about today. This is referred to as the Indirect Method.

Here is a safe and easy(ish) way to make a crystal elixir using the Indirect Method:

Start by focusing in on what it is you are wanting to receive from your crystal elixir. It could be for help with an emotional or physical situation, for mental clarity, for grounding…  Setting a clear intention for your highest and best healing starts the process of attracting and aligning you with the perfect crystals.

Whether you use your intuition or research the healing qualities of the crystals, choose anywhere from 1 – 5 crystals to work with. Personally, I like to keep the energy pretty focused and use 1-3 crystals. When in doubt, use your gut to guide you. The crystals have a message and personal healing for you. Let them speak to you.

Once chosen, these crystals must be cleansed and charged before using them. You can read more about how to do that here. You will also need 1 clear quartz pointed crystal to buddy up with every other crystal you have chosen.

  • Choose the cleanest and purest form of water you can. Place this water in a clean glass container such as a small mason jar. Cover the jar with the lid.
  • Place the jar of water out in the sun or moonlight on a flat surface. (Make sure the temperature won’t go below freezing if placing it outside. If it is, you can place it inside on a windowsill.)
  • With your clear intention in mind, place your healing crystals at equal distances around the jar, making sure that they touch the jar.
  • Next, place the point of the clear quartz crystal up against each healing crystal,  pointing toward the water, as shown in the photo above. The clear quartz acts as a generator as it directs the energy of the crystals to the water.
  • You can bless the jar and send it some good energy while keeping your mind clear and focused on your intention. Remember, your energy and thoughts are an important part of the process.
  • Let the jar sit in the sun for 2-4 hours, or in the moonlight overnight. (The night of a full moon is super charged!)
  • Mindfully, retrieve your elixir and crystals. (These crystals will need to be cleared for future use.)

It’s time to enjoy your elixir!

This thoughtfully charged water that you created is your crystal elixir and is now ready for use! You can pour a small portion of it into a clean, dark dropper bottle for immediate use over the next few days. The rest will need to be preserved. To do this, carefully fill a 1 oz. dark-colored dropper bottle halfway with your Mother Essence. Fill the other half of the bottle with a preservative of your choice, such as some brandy, vodka or apple cider vinegar. Close it up, label and date it, maybe list the crystals used or the intention set when making it. Shake the bottle to energize the mixture. Give thanks to the crystals and Divine Spirit for helping you make your healing crystal elixir.

Your elixir can be used in a few different ways.

  • Add 3-4 drops in a glass of water or in your water bottle to drink immediately or throughout the day.
  • Place 3 drops on or under your tongue, several times a day.
  • You can also place some on an area of your body with an ailment.
  • Try adding some to your face wash, body moisturizer, or bath water.

Drinking a crystal elixir is a great way to integrate the energy of the crystals into your body on a physical, mental and cellular level. The healing process is gradual so please be patient as the changes must take place first on a molecular level before they manifest in your outer world.

Believe in your ability to heal and it is possible!


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I'm a Vibrational Therapist based in Amherst, MA, offering both in-person and long-distance healing sessions that blend Reiki, Crystals, and Sound to restore, realign, and rejuvenate your body's resonant frequency, awakening the innate healer within you. I'm also host of the annual Crystal Healing Summit. For those interested in enhancing their healing journey. I offer a range of products including individual crystals, the Crystal Nature Tarot Kit, crystal grids, chakra sets, and pendants. I'm excited about the opportunity to connect and support your healing path. Connect with me on Facebook and Instagram, and subscribe to my newsletter.