Distance Crystal Energy Healing


Let’s connect on Zoom for a 45 minute Distance  Crystal Energy Healing session.


Distance Crystal Energy Healing is a powerful and beneficial way to address dis-ease, especially when in-person sessions are not an option.

This session is for you if you are looking to clean-up your energy and get in alignment with Spirit and your Highest Self.

Energy has no boundaries. It doesn’t care about time or space.

Energetic vibrations are available to all.

Simply by showing up, with the intention for healing, we can receive the gifts of Distance Crystal Energy Healing.

Each session is unique as each person and situation is unique, however, most sessions will include a check-in, chakra balancing, Reiki energy work, tuning forks and/or crystal singing bowls, crystal grid, and whatever else Spirit has in store for you.

All sessions will take place on Zoom and last about 45 minutes.