Energy Healing Treatment


Each Energy Healing Treatment is custom designed to meet you wherever you are and to help restore, realign and rejuvenate your own body’s resonant frequency.


Couple the Reiki, crystals and sound with clear intention and a willingness to awaken your soul and watch out…miracles can happen!



Each Energy Healing Treatment with Saralee includes a combination of Reiki,  Crystal Healing and Sound Healing. 60 minutes

The human body is a complex vibratory system. When a portion of the body is vibrating out of harmony, discomfort and/or disease can occur. Therefore, it makes sense to look for ways to bring balance to your body, mind and spirit.

Reiki, crystals and sound are all forms of energy healing that help to raise your vibration and consequently, bring harmony to your entire Being.

Reiki Healing

Energy Healing Treatment - Reiki First of all, each Energy Healing Treatment focuses on the transmission of Reiki (pronounced ray key) energy.

Reiki (means universal life energy) is a non-invasive form of hands-on healing that can be used on everyone as a way to reduce stress, relax, connect with Spirit and heal.

Receiving Reiki helps you step out of your thinking mind and grounds you in your body. This opens the door for you to get back in touch with your own inner divinity and Who You Really Are.

Crystal Healing

Crystal Healing

Another form of energy used during this healing treatment comes naturally from crystals. Crystals are beautiful live energy beings that can help restore, balance and ground your energy. Beyond the benefits of the healing crystals, the aim is for you to have a “soulful” experience.

According to Doreen Virtue, a leader in the crystal healing world, “Crystal therapy refers to working with crystals’ live energy and voice in conjunction with Divine Energy.”

Crystal therapy helps you to better hear, feel and know the voice of Spirit.

Sound Healing

Sound HealingFinally, the energy transmitted from the angelic sound of crystal bowls rounds out this healing treatment.

We are all vibrational beings with a unique vibrational sound healing frequency.

Sound Healing works to re-establish balance within the subtle energy fields of the body. This consists of your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual body.