Monthly Distance Crystal Grid


Customized monthly distance crystal grid healing for a full year.

Receive a photograph of your monthly grid directly to your inbox.


Monthly Distance Crystal Grid

Distance monthly crystal grid healing that is customized to your needs for a full year.

I will set up a custom crystal grid for you, once a month for a full year.
Single payment for 12 months.

Receive a photograph of your monthly crystal grid directly to your inbox.

Each month, you will be given the opportunity to purchase the crystals used in each grid, so that you can work with their energy yourself.

After successful receipt of your payment, you will receive a personalized note so that you can send me your first healing intention. Each month thereafter, you will be sent a reminder email to forward me your healing intention. Together, we will bring positive energy and focus to your deepest desires.

I will set up your personalized crystal grid (as shown in the photo) and then focus in and send Reiki energy to you.

This will take place on the first Wednesday after receiving your intention and each Wednesday during the month, I will re-visit and re-activate your grid.

Maintain and sustain your healing throughout the year, all in the comfort of your own home.

Not sure what a crystal grid is? You can read more here.