Photo of Saralee Hofrichter with her crown chakra highlighted

A Journey Through The Chakras – Crown Chakra

The Crown Chakra acts like a bridge between us and a higher reality. It is the seat of “Cosmic Consciousness.” It is through this 7th chakra that we connect with our Divine Purpose, wisdom and intelligence. This center heightens the energy of meditation and prayer, where we hopefully find greater meaning and understanding to life, […]

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Image of Saralee Hofrichter with Throat Chakra highlighted

A Journey Through the Chakras – Throat Chakra

The Throat Chakra or 5th chakra is known as the first of the spiritual chakras. It is called the “soul’s gate” as it is the link between the heart and head. Do you have problems expressing yourself? The Throat Chakra is associated with authentic communication and creativity. This chakra represents the right to speak the […]

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Photo of Saralee Hofrichter with Heart Chakra highlighted

A Journey Through the Chakras – Heart Chakra

We continue our journey up the chakras and we reach the center of our Being, our Heart Chakra. While visiting my own heart, I realized that I didn’t want to post this video series on Elephant Journal anymore. I now present this video directly to you. The Heart Chakra is the bridge between the 3 […]

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Photo of Saralee Hofrichter with Sacral Chakra highlighted

A Journey Through the Chakras – The Sacral Chakra

Welcome back to my video series “A Journey Through The Chakras”. Today I will be talking about the second chakra, the Sacral Chakra. Hopefully, you’ve been working with your Root Chakra all month and you are feeling more grounded, ready to journey on up to the Sacral Chakra. If you missed the first chakra video […]

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Photo of Saralee Hofrichter with Root Chakra highlighted

A Journey Through the Chakras – The Root Chakra

Welcome to the first in this video series “A Journey Through the Chakras – The Root Chakra”. Each month we will bring our attention and intention to a particular chakra in an effort to bring healing and alignment to our energy body. I’m doing things a little differently with this video series as I will […]

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Image of a woman sitting in meditation with the seven chakras shown

Chakra Balance Video

Everyone can use this chakra balance video! What does Chakra Balance even mean? The chakras are energy centers that govern seven key aspects of your being. Each chakra corresponds with a different aspect. If one or any of your chakras is out of balance,  you can feel really out of sorts! The seven aspects that […]

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