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Crystal Healing Summit 2022 Radio Interview

Word is out about the Crystal Healing Summit 2022! And I’m blown away by the interest you all have in learning more about our crystal allies. If you are interested in hearing more about me, Saralee Hofrichter, and my journey to becoming your host of the Crystal Healing Summit, here is your opportunity. Vivien Schapera […]

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Photo for the I Am Crystal Video Series - I AM Creative with image of Carnelian

I Am Creative – Crystal Series for Oct. 2022 – Carnelian

I AM Creative, Carnelian, October 2022 I used to stumble on my response to the question “Are you creative?” because I never thought I was. You see, I couldn’t draw or paint and I didn’t consider myself “artistic”. It wasn’t until I expanded my view of what being creative was that I could proudly declare […]

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Crystal Healing Summit Announcement

Dear Friends, It seems that crystals are really having their “moment” right now. Crystals, crystals, crystals. People everywhere are talking about crystals. But what do you do with them? What is their purpose? What do they have to teach us? Hopefully, some of these questions and more will get answered during my first virtual “Crystal […]

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Digital wordart of woman in namaste pose with sunrise background with afirmation

Crystal Tarot Card for November 2021

The Crystal Tarot Card for November 2021 is Higher Self, Selenite. The Crystal Tarot Card for November 2021 doesn’t surprise me. This crystal has been coming up a lot for me lately. Selenite is a beautiful crystal that has a very fine vibration. Selenite is light-filled, which helps open the crown and higher chakras. This […]

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