Crystal Nature Tarot Card 9 Earth - Inner and Outer Abundance, Pyrite

Crystal Nature Tarot Card for Feb 2024

If you are seeking help with a financial conflict, you are going to like this month’s card pull. I am here to talk about the energy for Feb 2024. After sitting quietly in a beautiful spirit-filled meditation, I asked What is the most important information for the people to hear for Feb and I pulled […]

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Image of a crystal that says transformation with other crystals

My Journey Creating A Crystal Tarot Deck – Part 1

I don’t know when I actually had the idea to create my own crystal tarot deck. It was like a seed was planted years ago when I took my first tarot class, which slowly grew into an actual blossom of the idea. This wasn’t even on my radar until, boom, there it was. You see, […]

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Digital wordart of woman in namaste pose with sunrise background with afirmation

Crystal Tarot Card for November 2021

The Crystal Tarot Card for November 2021 is Higher Self, Selenite. The Crystal Tarot Card for November 2021 doesn’t surprise me. This crystal has been coming up a lot for me lately. Selenite is a beautiful crystal that has a very fine vibration. Selenite is light-filled, which helps open the crown and higher chakras. This […]

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Image of a piece of Pink Tourmaline

Crystal Tarot Card for October 2021

The Crystal Tarot Card for October 2021 is Inner Peace, Tourmaline. Have you noticed that there seems to be a theme to the cards I pull each month? This month’s Crystal Tarot Card is Inner Peace, last month, Divine Connection, before that, Balance, Inner Child… They seem to all be calling out to us for […]

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Photo of Saralee holding the Crystal Tarot card for Jan 2021 - Amazonite

Crystal Tarot New Video Series for 2021

Hello and happy new year to you! Take a deep breath aaannddd release. Today is the first day to set out a new course and perspective for the year. How can you step more firmly and confidently on this path? I hope my new video series can be of assistance. After several months of contemplation, […]

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