Photo for the I Am Crystal Video Series - I AM Creative with image of Carnelian

I Am Creative – Crystal Series for Oct. 2022 – Carnelian

I AM Creative, Carnelian, October 2022 I used to stumble on my response to the question “Are you creative?” because I never thought I was. You see, I couldn’t draw or paint and I didn’t consider myself “artistic”. It wasn’t until I expanded my view of what being creative was that I could proudly declare […]

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Photo for the I Am Crystal Video Series - I AM talented with an image of Rhodonite

I Am Talented Crystal Series for June 2022 – Rhodonite

I Am Talented Crystal Series for June 2022 – Rhodonite This may seem like an unlikely mantra for us to embrace this month, but it is actually a very important message for us to hear right now. Many of you who follow me are healers, lightworkers, and generally loving Souls, whether you know it yet […]

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Photo for the I Am Crystal Video Series - I AM Source Energy with photo of Citrine

I Am Source Energy Crystal Video for May 2022 – Citrine

I Am Source Energy Crystal Video for May 2022 – Citrine You are Source Energy! But what does this even mean? All Beings (people, animals, plants, crystals…) are a result of Heaven and Earth’s forces that have interacted and produced structures that formed and grew and evolved into materialized Beings. You are made of this […]

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Photo for the I Am Crystal Video Series - I AM Peace with image of Aquamarine

I Am Peace – Aquamarine – March 2022

I Am Peace I didn’t plan on making this blog post about I Am Peace this month. I woke up feeling that I needed to. This is a call-to-action month. I went before the crystals to ask for their help and Aquamarine volunteered😊 This is such a beautiful, light-filled crystal. See if you can connect […]

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Photo for the I Am Crystal Video Series - I AM Love with a photo of Emerald

I Am Love Crystal Video for Feb 2022 – Emerald

I Am Love Crystal Video for Feb 2022 – Emerald I don’t know about you but January seemed to fly by. Were you able to embrace “I Am Healthy” last month and have you stayed healthy? I sure hope so. As a reminder, this series is designed to help elevate our limiting beliefs. To bring […]

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Photo for the I Am Crystal Video Series - I AM Healthy with a photo of Fluorite

“I Am” Crystal Video Series for 2022

Happy New Year Friends! And welcome to my new “I Am” Crystal Video Series for 2022. I know that the last few years have brought huge challenges for all of us. And with these challenges came shifts, some conscious and some unconscious. Although every minute of every day brings us the opportunity to recreate ourselves, […]

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