Image of a woman in prayer position with affirmation text

A Few Personal Truths

I haven’t written in a while so I thought I would share a few “personal truths” (the theme for January) with you.😊 I have my Amazonite sitting on my desk with the crystal tarot card for January, Personal Truth, staring at me. This really helps to keep me on my path this month. How about […]

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Image of the Neem plant

Neem Leaf

In its native India, Neem leaf has been recognized for centuries for its anti-inflammatory properties. For centuries, it has been used in cooking, Ayurvedic medicines and for hair and nail care. In the neem tree, the elements (warmth/fire, air, water and earth) are very evenly balanced in their respective roles. None of them appear to […]

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Image of Red Clover

Red Clover

 Red Clover is the plant portrait I’ll be talking about this month. The round, red-white porcupine heads of red clover appear in meadows from May to September. Bumble bees love these blossoms, which are rich in nectar and an abundant source for honey. Rich in antioxidants and isoflavones, this plant helps the skin combat signs […]

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Image of Quince plant and fruit


This month, the plant portrait is Quince or Cydonia Oblonga. (It’s scientific name). The Quince is a delicate, vulnerable fruit that has learned to protect itself. Although covered with a soft, downy coating, the fruit’s skin is thick and waxy. Even when fully ripe, the bright yellow, aromatically fragrant fruit is not usually suitable for […]

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Image of Kalanchoe plant

Kalanchoe in Dr. Hauschka Skin Care

This month, the plant portrait is Bryophyllum or Kalanchoe Daigrenmontiana found in some Dr. Hauschka products. Learning and remembering product ingredients is not my strong suit. Therefore,  this year I thought that I would introduce a new plant portrait each month, so together we can grow and learn:) Natural substances have played an important role […]

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Image of a client laying down with practitioner holding her face

Balance and your Skin

I know. The holidays are approaching.  Perhaps you are in need of some balance for your skin (and mind!) Anthylllis is the flower of renewal and balance. In its native Europe, this member of the legume family is known as woundwort, a name that hints at its healing properties. Cosmetologist Elizabeth Sigmund, co-developer of Dr. […]

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Image of a woman holding a washcloth to her cheek

Calmness and your Skin

If I ask “what does calmness smell like?” what is the first thing that comes to mind? The saltwater at the ocean? The nostalgic smell of food cooking? How about a whiff of lavender? (I am offering a FREE sample of Dr. Hauschka Lavender Sandalwood Calming Body Cream with each treatment, which helps bring calmness […]

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Image of five Dr Hauschka bath oil bottles

Creativity and your skin

Well, I have had a tough time coming up with something to connect creativity and your skin. So instead, I decided to get creative myself and share with you the concept of “The Four Temperaments”. If you’ve had a facial treatment with me, then you know I work with color therapy during each session. I […]

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Image of a woman sleeping in bed

The Importance of Sleep

Some say that gleams of a remoter world Visit the soul in sleep – that death is slumber, And that its shapes the busy thoughts outnumber Of those who wake and live. Mont Blanc ( 1816) It is said that in sleep, the body leaves momentarily to commune with a more remote world, and the […]

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Image of strands of hair that have fallen out

Hair and Scalp Treatment for the Summer

When thinking about hair and scalp treatment for the summer, it is good to have some basic understanding of hair. One can imagine a plant beginning as a seed in the soil, germinating and developing roots, as it sprouts up through the earth and into the sunlight. Very briefly, human hair consists of a root, […]

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