Image of a client laying down with practitioner holding her face

Balance and your Skin

I know. The holidays are approaching.  Perhaps you are in need of some balance for your skin (and mind!) Anthylllis is the flower of renewal and balance. In its native Europe, this member of the legume family is known as woundwort, a name that hints at its healing properties. Cosmetologist Elizabeth Sigmund, co-developer of Dr. […]

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Image of a woman holding a washcloth to her cheek

Calmness and your Skin

If I ask “what does calmness smell like?” what is the first thing that comes to mind? The saltwater at the ocean? The nostalgic smell of food cooking? How about a whiff of lavender? (I am offering a FREE sample of Dr. Hauschka Lavender Sandalwood Calming Body Cream with each treatment, which helps bring calmness […]

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Image of five Dr Hauschka bath oil bottles

Creativity and your skin

Well, I have had a tough time coming up with something to connect creativity and your skin. So instead, I decided to get creative myself and share with you the concept of “The Four Temperaments”. If you’ve had a facial treatment with me, then you know I work with color therapy during each session. I […]

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Image of a bare backed person sitting at the beach with the words "Beware of toxic sunscreen"

Sun Care Protection

Sun Care Protection Tips What’s a world without sunshine? Sunlight brightens our moods, lifts our spirits and provides us with essential vitamin D. It’s important to get out there and enjoy a sunny day. However, as with everything in life, moderation is key. Many so-called signs of aging are in fact the result of overexposure […]

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Image of a woman with clear skin

Clarity and the Skin

Clarity and the Skin How have you been doing this month with the theme of Clarity? (If you missed my crystal grid video for clarity, you can see it here.) As far as clarity and your skin goes, it is my mission to guide you to have healthy, clear and glowing skin! To support you […]

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Image of a woman with a tatoo of an eye on her third eye

Intuition and the Skin

Intuition and the Skin The theme for April is Intuition. (You can see my crystal grid video for Intuition here.) How can we apply this theme of “Intuition” to our skin? Let’s start by taking a look at the definition of the word: in·tu·i·tion /ˌint(y)o͞oˈiSH(ə)n/ noun noun: intuition the ability to understand something immediately, without […]

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Image of a woman taking a bath with two candles

Self Love and Your Skin

What does self love have to do with your skin? Emotions have such a particularly powerful effect on the condition of your skin. A lack of self love and acceptance can show up in your skin in many ways; as a ruddy or dull complexion, a rash or skin breakouts, a red or irritated nose […]

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Header of a woman with the words "Healthy skin is beautiful skin".

Healthy Skin Is Beautiful Skin

Healthy Skin is Beautiful Skin. As a Certified Dr. Hauschka Esthetician, I stand behind an approach to skin care that complements the biology of the skin and supports long-term skin health. Because beautiful skin isn’t always healthy — but healthy skin is always beautiful. Rather than masking or suppressing your skin’s natural processes with harsh […]

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Image of four chairs on the beach with seagulls flying overhead

Sun Safety

What do you know about sun safety? There are many ironies in life, here is one of them: What gives life is often what takes it away. Without the rays of the sun, there would be no earth as we know it. However, the sun is a major contributor of free radical damage, the prime […]

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Picture of a woman smiling in the shower

Stimulate Your Skin

Are you ready to stimulate your skin? Are you feeling brave? An effective way to boost your circulation is to stimulate your skin’s detoxification process with hot then cold water. This is how you can do this. When showering, for one minute, turn the water as hot as you can handle (please be careful, you […]

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