Image of a client laying down with practitioner holding her face

Balance and your Skin

I know. The holidays are approaching.  Perhaps you are in need of some balance for your skin (and mind!) Anthylllis is the flower of renewal and balance. In its native Europe, this member of the legume family is known as woundwort, a name that hints at its healing properties. Cosmetologist Elizabeth Sigmund, co-developer of Dr. […]

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Image of a woman holding a washcloth to her cheek

Calmness and your Skin

If I ask “what does calmness smell like?” what is the first thing that comes to mind? The saltwater at the ocean? The nostalgic smell of food cooking? How about a whiff of lavender? (I am offering a FREE sample of Dr. Hauschka Lavender Sandalwood Calming Body Cream with each treatment, which helps bring calmness […]

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Image of five Dr Hauschka bath oil bottles

Creativity and your skin

Well, I have had a tough time coming up with something to connect creativity and your skin. So instead, I decided to get creative myself and share with you the concept of “The Four Temperaments”. If you’ve had a facial treatment with me, then you know I work with color therapy during each session. I […]

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Image of a woman soaking her feet in a basin of water

Grounding and Your Feet

Your feet keep you grounded while carrying and supporting you wherever you go. It is through your feet that you establish your standing in the world. Standing erect, arms outstretched, you are firmly connected to the earth while you reach for the stars. After months of wearing sandals, going barefoot or doing extra outdoor activities, […]

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Picture of tennis ball

Tennis and Intuition

I just got home from playing tennis. As I was playing, these thoughts kept tickling the outskirts of my mind and this blog post began writing itself. For a while now,  I have been focusing on how to get out of my head and more into my body. I have set up crystal grids with […]

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Image of a woman holding a soft towerl to her face

Abundance of Radiant Skin

When it comes to skin care, whether you have an abundance of wrinkles, pimples or sensitivities, most people have something about their skin that they are not happy with. What many people don’t have an abundance of is time. So here are 3 quick and easy steps to make for a more abundantly radiant you! […]

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Image of a bare backed person sitting at the beach with the words "Beware of toxic sunscreen"

Sun Care Protection

Sun Care Protection Tips What’s a world without sunshine? Sunlight brightens our moods, lifts our spirits and provides us with essential vitamin D. It’s important to get out there and enjoy a sunny day. However, as with everything in life, moderation is key. Many so-called signs of aging are in fact the result of overexposure […]

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Energy, Crystal, and Sound Healing - Saralee Hofrichter hands forward

Pop-up Reiki Clinic

I know you are in summer mode. And I know it is a holiday week. However, I also know that it is essential to stay grounded and to take good care of yourself so that you can be present in your life. For 2 days, this Friday and Saturday, July 5th and 6th, from 11:00-4:00 […]

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Image of a woman sleeping in bed

The Importance of Sleep

Some say that gleams of a remoter world Visit the soul in sleep – that death is slumber, And that its shapes the busy thoughts outnumber Of those who wake and live. Mont Blanc ( 1816) It is said that in sleep, the body leaves momentarily to commune with a more remote world, and the […]

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Image of a woman with clear skin

Clarity and the Skin

Clarity and the Skin How have you been doing this month with the theme of Clarity? (If you missed my crystal grid video for clarity, you can see it here.) As far as clarity and your skin goes, it is my mission to guide you to have healthy, clear and glowing skin! To support you […]

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